I had a need to load some OpenFOAM force data into MATLAB recently and for my future conveniance I wrapped the import commands into a simple to use function to speed future loads.
function [data, structNames] = foamForceLoader(fname) %FOAMFORCELOADER Load OpenFOAM force data parsing by parentheses groups % OpenFOAM dumps its force data in a formatted manner but the extensive % use of parenthesis groups makes hard work for standard text readers. % This function takes the input data file and returns a structure based % on the names given in the file. Comments prefixed by "#" are ignored % and the last comment line in the header will be parsed for the % structure names. % % This should also work with moment files that use similar rules. % % Input/s: % -) fname: the name of the file to read. % % Output/s: % -) data: the data array from parsing the file. % -) headers: the header text arrays % % Dr Peter Brady <peter.brady@openfluids.engineer> % 2017-05-11 % Attempt to open the file and check for errors fid = fopen(fname, 'r'); if (fid == -1) error('FFL:fopen', 'Unable to open: %s', fname) end %% Parse the header rows: lineBuffer = fgetl(fid); while (lineBuffer ~= -1) if (strcmp(lineBuffer(1), '#')) previousLine = lineBuffer; lineBuffer = fgetl(fid); else break; end end % Parse the line to extract the structure names but drop the leading "#" structNames = parseLineToChar(previousLine(2:1:end)); %% Parse the Data Lines % First do a very quick line count to pre-allocate arrays dataRaw = textscan(fid, '%f (%f %f %f) (%f %f %f) (%f %f %f)',... 'CommentStyle', '#'); data = cell2mat(dataRaw); %% Be nice and close out fclose(fid); end function tokens = parseLineToChar(charsToParse) tokens = strings(0); remain = charsToParse; while (remain ~= "") % Get the next token: [token, remain] = strtok(remain); %#ok<STTOK> % Strip "(" and ")" characters if (token(1) == "(") token = token(2:1:end); end if (token(end) == ")") token = token(1:1:end-1); end % Append to our data array: tokens = [tokens; token]; %#ok<AGROW> end end
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